Remote Learning Day, January 22nd
Due to the predicted frigid weather conditions, the Blackhawk School District will operate as a remote learning day, Wednesday, January 22nd. Evening activities for Wednesday will continue as planned.

Course Overview

Physical Education (Mr. Scappe)

      I am so excited to be you son or daughters Physical Education teacher this year at Blackhawk Intermediate School along with teaching 9th Grade Health at Blackhawk High School.  This is my 13th year overall and 9th at Blackhawk.  I currently hold my Bachelor in Health/PE and my Masters in Educational Leadership with holding my Principal Certification as well!  I have a lot planned this school year for grades K-4 and look forward to the time I get to spend with each student this year.  On gym days if you could do me a huge favor and please make sure that your kids are wearing appropriate gym clothes and shoes.  Without the proper shoes or clothing could become a safety issue for themselves or other students in their class!  
     Physical Activity is important for the development and upkeep of a childs' overall health.  Therefore the Physical Education course at Blackhawk Intermediate School is designed to provide opportunities for students not to only stay active during class but to help them gain exposure to various activities that they would like to continue to do outside of class.  Students will participate in various games and sports, team activities, fitness activities and things they can continue to do throughout their lives.  Students learn to improve their skills with their hand-eye and foot-eye coordination along with working on various locomotor movements.   The ability to improve in these different areas will help enhance enjoyment in physical activity and help lead a healthy lifestyle for them.
Students grades are calculated by using a Pass/Fail
If for some reason your son or daughter is unable to participate in gym please have them bring a note or doctors excuse to school with them.  
I will also be running a Field Day towards the end of the school year, which is a great fun time that all students look forward too! 
Class Rules:
Be respectful of classmates, the teacher, the school and all of our equipment
Raise your hand and wait to be called on 
Zero tolerance for Bullying
NO gum, candy, food or drinks permitted in the gymnasium
Students are only permitted to use equipment with permission
If you need to get a hold of me for any reason my contact information is listed below:
Vincent Scappe 
K-4 Physical Education Teacher 
Blackhawk Intermediate School (724)846-6600 ext. 4009
Healthful Resources for Parents: 
View text-based website